How do lithium battery manufacturers test lithium batteries?
Release Time:2023-10-15 Reading Volume:238

In general, lithium battery manufacturers will conduct capacitance testing, load testing, charge and discharge testing, short circuit fault testing, internal resistance testing, working voltage testing, resistor testing, current maintenance testing, and machine testing on lithium batteries when they leave the factory.

(1) Internal resistance experiment: Internal resistance experiment is an indicator value used to distinguish the electricity consumption of lithium battery packs themselves. When the internal resistance is too high, it can endanger charging and discharging, and even cause inability to charge and discharge.

(2) Partial volume experiment: Separate volume experiments are used separately, and 1C is used for standard experiments, general experiments, and rapid experiments. The activity of lithium battery packs is mainly to better clarify the volume and characteristics of the battery pack.

(3) Charging and discharging inspection: The purpose of battery charging and discharging inspection is to distinguish whether the charging power circuit of lithium battery packaging is normal. There are certain regulations for detecting the working voltage and current of battery charging.

(4) Overcurrent protection experiment: After the lithium battery pack is fully charged, adjust the charging and discharging current using a variable resistor to gradually increase the electrical flow rate. When the charging and discharging flow rate exceeds a certain operating voltage value, the charging and discharging control circuit current is cut off and the current is zero. The amount of current before recording the interruption is the amount of overcurrent protection current.

(5) Short circuit fault experiment: The key to the short circuit fault experiment is to distinguish whether the overcurrent protection function of the lithium battery pack is normal. Generally speaking, the testing standard is to use a fully intelligent detector, and special attention should be paid to the short circuit fault time being less than 3 seconds during detection. It is not allowed to use a multimeter current level or working voltage level for short circuit fault detection.

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