The shortcomings of lithium iron phosphate batteries seem to be touched by Korea
Release Time:2023-10-15 Reading Volume:1116

In the battery industry, besides China's impressive performance, it is well known that South Korea is also constantly competing for the leading position in the battery market. Recently, it was reported that although South Korea has maintained a steady upward trend in the current status of batteries and has been adhering to the development of battery technology on the original basis, it has largely neglected research on iron based batteries.

Although lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries reduce manufacturing costs by not containing expensive materials such as nickel, cobalt, and manganese, making them cheaper and safer than nickel batteries, their lower energy density in cold climates hinders the range of electric vehicles in winter. Therefore, Korean companies have been avoiding this technology.

But now, as Chinese battery manufacturers make various efforts to overcome the inherent weaknesses of iron based batteries, South Korea is also changing their traditional views.

Byoungwoo Kang, a professor at Puhang University of Technology and a research collaborator with South Korean battery companies, said that the three major battery manufacturers in South Korea - LG New Energy, Samsung SDI, and SK On - are shifting to LFP battery technology as quickly as possible. Kang stated that the most "enthusiastic" player seems to be SK On, as SK On is trying to increase its market share.

In March of this year, SK On demonstrated its pilot product for LFP batteries at the InterBattery conference held in Seoul. As the first company to take action, SK On stated that the product can improve energy density at low temperatures.

The attitude change of South Korean battery giants is an important attack on the world battery market.

For many years, Chinese battery giants have been leading the battery market, appearing as highly regarded leaders and increasing China's voice and influence in the world. Compared to South Korean battery giants, they are also secretly vying, which is bound to pave the way for their ambitious construction.

As Chinese battery giants gradually achieved results in the research and development of new materials, South Korean battery giants finally couldn't help but move towards new materials, and they understood the reason why relying solely on existing materials may widen the gap.

With the involvement of Korean battery giants in new fields, there will be more opportunities and challenges in the future battery market. Whoever laughs or cries will become an unpredictable unknown.

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